Saturday, 28 June 2008

this is a post regarding an ordeal i encountered in the process of completing portfolio and fund management

today's paper was portfolio and fund management, which is the paper that i fear most. basically i answered the questions but whether or not the answer is correct, i do not know. it was a three and a half hours paper and every single second seems to pass so quickly as i hurriedly tried to find answers for parts that i faced difficulty with. but it's over for now. wat has passed is already history so i could just hope for the best. no use looking back, as another paper is just few days away.


Wednesday, 25 June 2008

this is wat i do when my eyes are reluctant to have a face to face contact with the books.

alright monday was the first day of my finals and guess wat, understanding travel and tourism was quite okay. not too bad for a start for the finals. next up would be portfolio and fund management. been looking at the materials pretty much lately, with strong hopes of the real paper being easy. oh yea, i'm dreaming day and night hoping that the paper will be manageable. fingers crossed la. a strange policy for this subject is that it allows us to bring in one piece of A4 paper with whatever notes we can jot down inside. with that single piece of paper, i wonder wat can we put inside. y dun they just make it an open book test? damn. strange lecturer with weird thoughts. but anyhow, in the end, i still need that one piece of paper to fucking pass the exam. lol. 10% of something is always better than 100% of nothing. coming saturday will be the exam let's just hope it'll all be good. that's all for this time.


Saturday, 21 June 2008

shit.. i just killed some of my time with his post. DAMN!!

oh god. coming monday is the beginning of my final exam. fortunately the first paper is just an elective paper, or to be precise, it's Understanding Travel and Tourism. another good thing is that, it is partly open book. anyhow, put aside that for the mean time. right now, main worry would be Portfolio and Fund Management, taught by a fucked up lecturer providing us with fucked up feedback. whatever it is, i just pray that i'm fortunate enough to make it through that particular subject. anyhow, put that aside once again and yeah... i would like to welcome two newborn, crazy ass Logitechs into my life. lol. both was bought a while ago, just that they were a little shy about showing themselves in public. but now they've both grown up to make their first public appearance. lol. i think i'm just crapping too much in order to make this post longer.

Logitech MX Air
it's a gyroscopic mice, if i've got the spelling rite, it can work on the desk and in the air
pretty cool

Logitech Dinovo Edge
love the appearance and it's slim design
the circle on the right is a touchpad similar to a laptop
but it's way cooler as the circle illuminates whenever it's touched

there it is
both goes so well with each other
like a lalajai and a lalamui


Friday, 20 June 2008

out of boredom and insanity

some lame ass photos snapped back then
boredom nearly killed us back then
and the result
a series of fugly photos


Thursday, 12 June 2008


sorry for the lack of updates
lack of time, interest and happenings to post a proper update
bear with me


Monday, 2 June 2008


at last, my workload is all cleared up. time for some relaxation before starting to revise. must really enjoy the relaxation period. just realized that the last post was a week ago. that's pretty long, but there's ntg much to be updated for the past one week as all i did was dealing with the assignments. from dealing all day long with microsoft excel to another week of microsoft word. thank god, it's all over for now.